C.J. Daley
Carolyn's Story
Born and raised in Vancouver, B.C., Carolyn (CJ) served with the Vancouver Police Department from 1975 to 2003. During her career she rose through the ranks, from constable to deputy chief constable, and holds the distinction of being the first woman to do so.
After retiring from a distinguished policing career, Carolyn and her partner sailed their 32-foot Ontario sailboat (the SV Shannon) from Victoria, down the west coast of North America to Mexico, and up into the Sea of Cortez. It was an amazing and challenging journey. They spent the next seven winters sailing in the Sea of Cortez and returning home each spring to resume their life in Maple Bay. Their current boat, SV Shannon’s Spirit, is now home and enjoying the cruising grounds of southern British Columbia.
Carolyn had always dreamed of being a writer and she has written many articles about sailing for the Pacific Yachting magazine and the Bluewater Cruising Currents magazine. She also maintained a blog (svshannon.blogspot.com) chronicling their journey from Victoria to Mexico. It became so popular she kept it going, telling stories of their adventures as they sailed the seas between the Baja and mainland Mexico and drove back and forth between Mexico and Canada.
Just before retiring, Carolyn had taken on another project. Vancouver’s Women in Blue (the history of the women of the VPD between 1904 and 1975) wandered through her adventures with her and came to life as time and material allowed.
Carolyn continues to live in Maple Bay, to share her life with her partner and their dog, to sail as much as possible, and to write. What and where she writes depends on the flow of the tide and the tempo of the winds.